Customer Support

Processing Of Order

Upon checkout, your order request is sent to Hawke & Co to verify stock availability. You will receive an email regarding the status of your order request. Your card is automatically charged upon checkout. If we do not have any stock available for an item you purchased, a customer service representative will contact you with further options or to process a refund. We may, at our own discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased per person, per household or per order. We may also reserve the right to refuse any order you place with us.

We want you to love what you ordered. If something isn’t right, let us know. Please note: Return merchandise authorization (RMA) is required from for any returned merchandise or refund. Please visit the Return & Exchange Agreement page to view our policy.

In-Stock Merchandise

In-stock merchandise is usually processed and shipped within 1-2 business days. Please note: orders placed after 4pm EDT on a Friday and over the weekend will not be processed and shipped until the following 1-2 business days. You will receive an additional email once your order is shipped. will let you know by a followup message if the merchandise you have selected is not currently in stock or if we need to confirm availability.